When I was running this morning, I felt like I was being wrapped in a cocoon. Not sure if the rain has something to do with it, but I got wrapped up in more cobwebs than ever before.

This web constructed by a funnel web spider may not be the same kind of wispy, single-threaded webs that stick to me like glue every morning, but it is a good representation of the things I see on my morning jogs. Click to enlarge.
The spidies like to string their silken strands from palo verde tree to palo verde tree, creating a bit of a web for their human friend who runs by each morning. And boy are those things sticky … I’d try to shake them off, but they’d follow behind me, managing to tangle around my elbows and biceps when I’d stop for just a minute. Just when I thought I’d gotten one dislodged, I’d run into another.
My eventual movements – dodging in and out, trying to avoid them – kind of reminded me of the way villains in action flicks dodge in and out of the invisible infrared security sensors while trying to rob banks. If that were the case, I’d have been caught, for sure!
For Writers: The topic of spider webs obviously got me thinking about entanglement, and being wrapped in a tight cocoon. For moths I’ve been saying I’m going to start on my second novel. But I realized this morning that I have pretty much just been entangled in my own fears of starting something new, wondering if my characters will have the chops to endear their fates and if they’ll elicit the compassion of readers (hence the procrastination). But today, I have begun research and preliminary writing on my second novel. Cobwebs be damned!
August 9th, 2010 at 12:14 pm
Great post. Congratulations on breaking free of the cobwebs (a.k.a. fear) and tackling that next novel!
Melissa Reply:
August 9th, 2010 at 1:28 pm
Thanks, Jessica. You’ve been nothing short of an inspiration to me throughout this journey!